An Upper Clutha Community Arts Council Project
Class details
All classes, unless indicated otherwise, will run from Tuesday to Saturday with registration from 8.30am on the first day. Normal hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm although these are flexible according to class activities.
A social hour will be held at the end of classes each day – a chance to meet participants on other courses and hear from a number of our tutors discussing their work.
On Friday evening there will be a Platter and Pinot social time at the College at a cost of $25. Bookings prior to the school are preferred but a limited number will be available the first 2 days of the school.. Tickets can be bought as a separate event along with your class enrolment. Friends are also very welcome.
A Mini-market will be held following classes on Thursday. Both tutors and participants are invited to sell anything they produce themselves.